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2008.04.29. 19:11 kompi

Menopause battle plan - Miss Conception trailer

Miss Conception

Genre: Vígjáték
Release Date: 2008. június 6 (USA, L.A.)
Director: Eric Styles
Cast: Heather Graham, Mia Kirshner, Tom Ellis, Will Mellor, Orlando Seale, Ruta Gedmintas, Laurence Doherty, Debbie Javor, Robert Kane, Edward MacLiam

Georgina Scott (Heather Graham) is a broody 33 year-old, who sends her boyfriend, Zak, (Tom Ellis) packing when it has become apparent that he doesn’t share her desire for a bundle of joy. Zak sets off on a documentary shoot and hopes that she’ll cool off in his absence. But Georgina discovers that early menopause runs in her family and heads for a specialist with her reluctant best friend, Clem (Mia Kirshner, The L Word), in tow. Learning that her baby making days are numbered, Georgina enlists Clem and their camp pal, Justin (Orlando Seale), to make the most of it. A battle plan is drawn up but their escapades become increasingly frantic as Georgina explores internet sperm donors, night clubbers, a love struck co-worker and funeral-goers in her desperate and hilarious attempts to beat the biological clock.

Miss Conception trailer and stills:


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