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2008.09.15. 10:44 kompi

Downey makes a triple - The Soloist

The Soloist

Genre: Drama
Release date: 21 November 2008 (USA)
Director: Joe Wright
Cast: Jamie Foxx, Robert Downey, Jr., Catherine Keener, Tom Hollander, Lisa Gay Hamilton, Rachael Harris

It look to be the third great movie in the year  2008 from Robert Downey, Jr., and in the third genre - after a comic book adaptation and a comedy, now he comes out in a drama.
In The Soloist, an emotionally soaring drama about the redemptive power of music, journalist Steve Lopez (Robert Downey Jr.) discovers Nathaniel Anthony Ayers (Jamie Foxx), a former classical music prodigy, playing his violin on the streets of L.A. As Lopez endeavors to help the homeless man find his way back, a unique friendship is formed, one that transforms both their lives.
Directed by the Golden Globe winner Joe Wright ("Atonement").

The Soloist trailer and stills:


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