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2008.03.30. 07:47 kompi

Body of War trailer

Body of War

ImdB pontszám: 9.1
Rendezők: Ellen Spiro, Phil Donahue
Szereplők: Robert Byrd, Cathy Smith, Nathan Young, Tomas Young

Body of War is an intimate and transformational feature documentary about the true face of war today. Meet Tomas Young, 25 years old, paralyzed from a bullet to his spine - wounded after serving in Iraq for less than a week.
Body of War is Tomas' coming home story as he evolves into a new person, coming to terms with his disability and finding his own unique and passionate voice against the war. The film is produced and directed by Phil Donahue and Ellen Spiro, and features two original songs by Eddie Vedder. Body of War is a naked and honest portrayal of what it's like inside the body, heart and soul of this extraordinary and heroic young man.

Another movies from the theme: War with Irak:
In the Valley of Elah
Stop Loss
Standard Operating Procedure

Body of War trailer and stills:


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