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2008.09.10. 18:34 kompi

The Wrestler - Golden Lion Award winner movie with Mickey Rourke

The Wrestler

Genre: Action/Drama
Release Date: 12 October 2008
Director: Darren Aronofsky
Cast: Mickey Rourke, Marisa Tomei, Ernest Miller, Wass Stevens

The steroids uses with Botox treatments makes Mickey Rourke shaping like a grotesque Flesh-golem, but thats perfect starring this movie. The wrestler is the story of retired professional wrestler, Randy "The Ram" Robinson, making his way through the independent circuit, trying to get back in the game for one final showdown with his former rival. The Movie also stars Marisa Tomei - as a striptease dancer.
With this movie Darren Aronofsky (The Fountain, Requiem for a Dream ) wins the 2008 Golden Lion Award.

Interviews and Behind the scenes:

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Címkék: dvd trailer movie cinema clip drama action poster stills

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