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2008.04.02. 07:30 kompi

Thanks USA - Standard Operating Procedure trailer

Standard Operating Procedure

Genre Dokumentary
Release Date: 25 April 2008 (USA) limited
Rendező: Errol Morris
Cast: Christopher Bradley, Sarah Denning, Joshua Feinman, Jeff L. Green, Merry Grissom, Roy Halo, Cyrus King, Daniel Novy, Zhubin Rahbar,

Is it possible for a photograph to change the world? Photographs taken by soldiers in Abu Ghraib prison changed the war in Iraq and changed Americas image of itself. Yet, a central mystery remains. Did the notorious Abu Ghraib photographs constitute evidence of systematic abuse by the American military, or were they documenting the aberrant behavior of a few bad apples? We set out to examine the context of these photographs. Why were they taken? What was happening outside the frame? We talked directly to the soldiers who took the photographs and who were in the photographs. Who are these people? What were they thinking?

Standard Operating Procedure trailer and stills:


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