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2008.09.01. 08:56 kompi

Martyrs trailer


Genre: Horror
Release Date: 3 szeptember 2008 (French)
Director: Pascal Laugier
Cast: Morjana Alaoui, Mylène Jampanoï, Catherine Bégin, Robert Toupin, Patricia Tulasne, Juliette Gosselin, Xavier Dolan-Tadros

Lucie was kidnapped and missing for over a year. Finally she was found by the side of a road, but seems to became totally mad. She's unable to tell whats happened or whos responsible for her missing. The police promptly find a derelict slaughterhouse, and every indication shows Lucie had been imprisoned in the cold room for all over year. No evidence of sexual abuse to bring the police closer to the one responsible, makes this a difficult task to uncover whats happened and how the child escaped.


Martyrs trailer and stills:


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