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2008.04.26. 18:58 kompi

Reprise trailer


Genre: Drama
Release Date: 16 May 2008 (USA) Limited
Director: Joachim Trier
Cast: Anders Danielsen Lie, Espen Klouman-Høiner, Viktoria Winge, Henrik Elvestad, Christian Rubeck, Odd Magnus Williamson, Rebekka Karijord, Henrik Mestad

The fast-moving story kicks off just as Phillip (Anders Danielsen Lie) and Erik (Espen Klouman-Hoiner) stand at the mailbox, two cocky, grinning rebels full of 20 year-old verve and dreams, their whole lives hanging in the balance at this singular moment. Each is about to ship off his first novel to publishers, each is hoping to become a wildly influential “cult author,” each has visions of a new life of non-stop intensity, brilliance, romance and nightclubbing.
Fast-forward six months. These reveries have crashed, hard, into reality. Phillip, whose novel garnered instant acclaim and turned him into a mini-celebrity, has had a terrifying breakdown and is just about to be released from a psychiatric hospital. Erik, who never sold his novel, is still pecking away, determined to follow in the footsteps of his undying hero, a reclusive but idolized writing genius, no matter what it takes.


Reprise trailer and stills:


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