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2008.04.25. 15:42 kompi

Racism and hypocrisy - Towelhead trailer

Nothing Is Private (Towelhead)

Genre: Drama
Release: 8. August 2008. (USA)
Director: Alan Ball
Cast: Aaron Eckhart, Summer Bishil, Peter Macdissi, Toni Collette, Maria Bello, Eugene Jones III, Matt Letscher, Chase Ellison, Lynn Collins

Towelhead follows the dark, bold and shockingly funny life of Jasira, a 13-year-old Arab-American girl, as she navigates the confusing and frightening path of adolescence and her own sexual awakening.
When Jasira's mother sends her to Houston to live with her strict Lebanese father, she quickly learns that her new neighbors find her and her father a curiosity. Worse, her budding womanhood makes her traditional and hot-tempered father uncomfortable. Lonely in this new environment, Jasira seeks friendship and acceptance from her neighbors Mr. Vuoso, an Army reservist, and Melina, a meddling but caring expectant mother. Thrown into an unfamiliar suburban world, Jasira must confront racism and hypocrisy at home and at school - and at the same time struggle to make sense of her raging hormones and newfound sexuality. Her boyfriend, Thomas, though a few years older, provides some comfort - but even that relationship causes problems when her father discovers that Thomas is black. Surrounded by adults who are just as lost as she is, Jasira yearns for understanding, even amidst often brutal acts.

Towelhead trailer and stills:


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