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2008.05.20. 18:42 kompi

Trumbo trailer


Genre: Documentary
Release Date: 27. juny 2008. (USA)
Director: Peter Askin
Cast: Joan Allen, Brian Dennehy, Kirk Douglas, Michael Douglas, Paul Giamatti, Danny Glover, Peter Hanson, Nathan Lane, Donald Sutherland

TRUMBO focuses on the writer's own indelible words, the film features performances of some of his extraordinary letters, clips from his films and, archival and contemporary interviews with those who knew him best. Forced to write underground, letter writing became the chief repository of Trumbo's extraordinary talents and they serve as a wonderfully entertaining testament to his boundless intellect, acerbic humor, and staggering resilience.
TRUMBO is directed by Peter Askin and is based on the play Trumbo by Christopher Trumbo. The film includes the all-star cast of Joan Allen, Brian Dennehy, Michael Douglas, Paul Giamatti, Nathan Lane, Josh Lucas, Liam Neeson, David Strathairn, and Donald Sutherland.


Trumbo trailer and stills:


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