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2008.04.11. 13:30 kompi

The Petition War of Uwe...


Previous Boll resulted Michael Bay and Eli Roth:
"I am not a f*cking retard like Michael Bay or other people running around in that business. Or Eli Roth making the same sh*tty movies over and over again. If you really look at my movies, you will see my real genius. And if you go on May 23 and 'Postal,' you will see that I deliver a movie what nobody else delivered in the last ten years. What's is way better as all that social critic George Clooney bullsh*t what you get every fucking weekend. So you really have to wake up and you have to see me what I am. I am the only genius in the whole f*cking business."

Now He got them answer:

Bay: "I find people who rant like that - calling sh*t about both me, and George Clooney - comes from someone screaming because he is not being heard. He is obviously a sad being. When you ask 'do I care'? Not in the slightest."

Roth: "Greatest Compliment Ever."

And We got the the second part of the react:

Szólj hozzá!

Címkék: uwe boll

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