UP Genre: Animation/Cartoon Release Date: 29 May (USA) Director: Pete Docter Voices: Ed Asner, Christopher Plummer, John Ratzenberger, Jordan Nagai This beautyful tale from Pixar stars Carl Fredricksen, a 78-year man, who's "spent his entire life dreaming of exploring the globe and…
2008.08.14. 15:11 kompi
UP from PIXAR - teaser trailer
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Címkék: dvd cartoon trailer movie cinema animation poster stills
2008.06.19. 21:53 kompi
Presto sneak peak video
Presto Genre: Animation/Cartoon Release Date : 27 Juny 2008. (USA) Director: Ben Stassen Voices: N/A Dignity. Poise. Mystery. We expect nothing less from the great, turn-of-the-century magician, Presto. But, when Presto forgets to feed his rabbit one too many times, well, there's really no telling…
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Címkék: dvd cartoon trailer movie cinema animation clip poster stills
2008.06.19. 21:47 kompi
Fly Me to the Moon trailer and stills
Fly Me to the Moon Genre: Animation/Cartoon Release Date : 8 August 2008 (USA) Director: Ben Stassen Cast: Nicollette Sheridan, Tim Curry, Ed Begley Jr., Adrienne Barbeau, Christopher Lloyd, Robert Patrick July 16, 1969. NASA's space program was in full swing. A moon landing was about to…