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2008.07.31. 13:01 kompi

Mouse Hero: The Tale of Despereaux trailer

The Tale of Despereaux

Genre: Animation/Adventure
Release Date: 18 december 2008 (USA)
Director: Sam Fell
Voices: Matthew Broderick, Robbie Coltrane, Tony Hale, Dustin Hoffman, Kevin Kline, Frank Langella, Christopher Lloyd, Stanley Tucci, Tracey Ullman, Emma Watson, Sigourney Weaver

A modern fairy tale from Universal Pictures with Star Voices like Matthew Broderick, Dustin Hoffman and Emma Watson. Desperaux Tilling is a mouse in love with light and beauty and a princess, which makes him an odd mouse and gets him banished to the rat-invested darkness of the castle dungeon. Betrayal and intrigue follow him on his quest to escape to the glittering castle above. Looks cute.

The Tale of Despereaux trailer and stills:

trailer, HD:

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