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2008.06.10. 23:04 kompi

The Express trailer and stills

The Express

Genre: Sport/Drama
Release Date: 10 October 2008 (USA)
Director: Gary Fleder
Cast: Dennis Quaid, Rob Brown, Omar Benson Miller, Clancy Brown, Charles S. Dutton

Based on a true story, The Express follows the extraordinary life of college football hero Ernie Davis (Rob Brown), the first African-American to win the Heisman Trophy. His fight for equality and respect forever changed the face of American sports, and his story continues to inspire new generations.
Raised in poverty in Pennsylvania coal-mining country, Davis hurdled social and economic obstacles to become one of the greatest running backs in college football history. Under the guidance of legendary Syracuse coach Ben Schwartzwalder (Dennis Quaid), he became a hero who superseded Jim Brown's achievements and set records that stand to this day.

The Express trailer and stills:


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