Genre: Action/Drama
Release Date: Szeptember 2008 (USA)
Director: Stuart Townsend
Cast: Charlize Theron, Woody Harrelson, Ray Liotta, Channing Tatum, Connie Nielsen, Joshua Jackson, Martin Henderson, Michelle Rodriguez, André Benjamin
In 1999, a meeting of the World Trade Organization in Seattle turned ugly when thousands of protesters showed up in order to make their voices heard. The situation eventually escalated to full scale riots and a state of emergency. Stuart Townsend’s movie Battle in Seattle is an attempt to retell these events in a docudrama style. In my head I’m thinking this could make an amazing film with someone like Paul Greengrass or Michael Winterbottom behind it, but Townsend is a bit of an unknown quantity, being that this is his directorial debut. (www.filmjunk.com)
Battle in Seattle trailer and stills:

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