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2008.04.07. 09:59 kompi

Birthday party - Red Velvet trailer

Red Velvet

Release Date: 2008. (USA)
Dircetor: Bruce Dickson
Cast: Henry Thomas, Kelli Garner, Eric Jungmann, Michele Nordin, Kevin Wheatley, Natalia Baron, Bret Roberts, Ryan Doom, Jordan Hagan

A chance encounter at a laundry mat between a YOUNG MAN and YOUNG WOMAN turns into a afternoon lunch date. As they get to know each other, bizarre stories begin to unfold, some fact, some fiction about each other's past. Eventually, the Young Man delves into a story about a birthday party whose guests began to be systematically killed off by a maniac in a white jump suit. The Young Woman, oddly enough, becomes more and more intrigued with the tale as the mayhem mounts. Is this the beginning of a beautiful relationship or a building block leading to a day ending in madness beyond fairy tales? (Written by Anthony Burns)


Red Velvet trailer and stills:


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