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2008.04.07. 08:24 kompi

Petition to Uwe Boll

FEARnet got the chance to speak to director Uwe Boll, during a Manhattan screening of "Postal," asking him if he is aware that an online petition has been going around to stop him from making movies. The petition currently has 18,000 signatures.

"Yeah, I know that," said Boll. "18,000 is not enough to convince me." When asked how many would it take, he replied: "One million. Now we have a new goal."

Boll has previously directed "House of the Dead," "Alone in the Dark," "BloodRayne" and "In the Name of the King." If you are tired of seeing films like that, click on the link below to sign the petition. Or you can just not watch his movies. (

Can We Stop him?

Here can you sign the Petition

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