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2008.04.05. 12:50 kompi

Famke Janssen's pooling thriller - Turn the River trailer

Turn the River

Genre: Drama/Thriller
Release Date: May 2008
Director: Chris Eigeman
Cast: Famke Janssen, Jaymie Dornan, Rip Torn, Matt Ross, Lois Smith, Marin Hinkle, Terry Kinney, John Juback, Tony Robles, Jordan Bridges

In the thriller TURN THE RIVER, Famke Janssen (Best Actress- Hamptons Film Festival) stars as Kailey a small town pool hustler in upstate New York. She ekes out a living playing poker, periodically driving into Manhattan to check up on her mentor, Quinn (Rip Torn), who runs Quinn's a hardcore pool hall. Kailey (Janssen) is determined to raise $50,000 to wrest her son Gulley (Jaymie Dornan), who she was forced to give up at birth, from the toxic clutches of her alcoholic ex-husband David (Matt Ross) and his domineering mother (Lois Smith) and move to Canada for a better life. In order to win the money, Kailey must score a match with the best player at Quinns, Duncan (John Juback). With this as her only hope for a future with her son, Kailey starts to play and the stakes have never been higher.

Turn the River trailer and stills:


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