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2008.03.29. 13:10 kompi

Blonde Ambition trailer

Blonde Ambition

Genre: Comedy/Romance
ImdB Rating: 3.2
Director: Scott Marshall
cast: Jessica Simpson, Luke Wilson, Rachael Leigh Cook, Penelope Ann Miller, Andy Dick, Drew Fuller, Larry Miller, Bill Jenkins

Before the movie started filming, the media reported that Blonde Ambition was a remake of the 1980's film Working Girl. After Simpson learned about this rumor, she talked to Empire Online and stated, "I don't know where that came from", "it's a movie called Blonde Ambition co-starring Luke Wilson. It's definitely the theme of Working Girl - this small town girl that moves to New York City to rise up into this great career as a business woman pretty much. But it's definitely not a remake." Simpson also said that this film is more of a knockabout comedy than the Melanie Griffith starrer, which was a drama genre movie.


Blonde Ambition trailer and stills:

International trailer:

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