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2008.04.10. 11:05 kompi

The Kentucky Derby Movie - The First Saturday in May trailer

The First Saturday in May

Genre: Documentary/Sport
Release Date: 2008. április 18 (Nemzetközi)
Directors: Brad Hennegan, John Hennegan
Cast: Frank Amonte, Barbaro, Peter Brette, Chuck Chambers, Dan Hendricks, Bob Holthus, Bonnie Holthus, John McKee

40,000 baby horses are born each year. Only 20, however, will make it to the gate in the Kentucky Derby.
Known as "the most exciting two minutes in sports," the Kentucky Derby is racing's holy grail and every horseman's ultimate goal. Just to get a horse to the gate in the world’s most prestigious race defies all odds.
The path to the first Saturday in May remains long and unpredictable.
Euphoria and heartbreak abound. But as a racetracker, you’re prepared for everything.
Follow six diverse trainers – as well as the mighty Barbaro - as they jockey for position along the 2006 Kentucky Derby trail. From Hot Springs in Arkansas to Dubai in the United Arab Emirates, you're along for the ride with the dedicated men and women that make the "sport of kings" tick.


The First Saturday in May trailer:

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