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2008.04.08. 09:48 kompi

Rob Schneider Debüt as Director - Big Stan trailer

Big Stan

Genre: Comedy
Release Date: 25 April 2008 (USA)
Director: Rob Schneider
Cast: Rob Schneider, David Carradine, Jennifer Morrison, M. Emmet Walsh, Kevin Gage, Henry Gibson, Scott Wilson, Randy Couture

Once upon a time, there lived a tiny, insecure man who learned the only way he could make his enormous ego feel comfortable in his teeny, tiny body was to embarrass, humiliate, and torture others. He thought he was a master of disguise, fooling others into believing he was a big man. Yet he was only fooling himself, and through time his unconscionable behavior repulsed and repelled everyone. If his heart was three or three-hundred sizes too small, it didn't matter by then because no one was around to even care...

Big Stan trailer and stills:


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