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2008.04.03. 15:43 kompi

Vampires in the snow - The Lost Boys 2: The Tribe trailer

Lost Boys 2: The Tribe

Genre: Horror/Thriller
Release Date: July 2008 (USA)
Director: P.J. Pesce
Cast: Tad Hilgenbrink, Autumn Reeser, Corey Feldman, Jamison Newlander, Angus Sutherland, Moneca Delain, Shaun Sipos, Merwin Mondesir, Kyle Cassie

The sequel to the 1987 cult hit The Lost Boys takes us to the shady surf city of Luna Bay, California, where vampires quickly dispatch anyone who crosses their path. Into this dark world arrive Chris Emerson (Hilgenbrink) and his younger sister, Nicole (Reeser). Having just lost their parents in a car accident, the siblings move in with their eccentric Aunt Jillian and become new prey for the locals way of life. When Nicole unwittingly falls for a local vampire, Chris must locate and destroy the gangs lifeline before his sisters transformation is complete; to do this Chris finds himself relying on the expertise of none other than Edgar Frog (Feldman). Subtle references to characters from the original film, and cameos from returning actors offer homage to the Lost Boys legend and set a sinister tone of impending doom.

Lost Boys 2: The Tribe trailer and still:

Trailer (18.03.2008):


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