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2008.09.07. 10:23 kompi

Watchmen trailer review


Genre: Action/Comics
Release Date: 6 March 2009 (USA)
Director: Zack Snyder
Cast: Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Carla Gugino, Patrick Wilson, Malin Akerman, Jackie Earle Haley, Billy Crudup, Matthew Goode, Matt Frewer, Niall Matter, Danny Woodburn, Manoj Sood

The Dark disposed comic adaptations lives their renaissances. The original Comic Book was written by Alain Moore and Illustrated by Dave Gibbons, and its the ONLY Comic Book, that gain the Hugo Award. The Story run in the 1980's but in a different world. Superheroes have been outlawed, the only ones still in operation under direct control of the United States government. Suddenly, those heroes both still in action and retired find themselves targets by an unseen enemy, who wants to kill them one by one.
Directed by Zack Snyder (300).

Watchmen character posters and trailer:


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Címkék: dvd trailer comics movie cinema clip action poster stills

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